Effective July 1, 2017, DCED has determined that it will monitor CEDO PDU reporting moving forward. We expect DCED to issue further direction on process and procedures to CEDOs in the near future. DCED has determined that certification will, at least for the time being, continue to be administered on a 12 month, fiscal year basis with an annual professional development requirement of 20 PDUs, six of which must be in finance (by 6/30/18 and annually thereafter).
DCED has expressed a willingness to convene a focus group to discuss possible revisions to the certification process. Upcoming September and October PEDA events remain eligible to provide organizational PDUs to CEDOs, as advertised.
PEDA’s Professional Development Committee will continue to work with DCED to offer relevant, timely and cost-friendly professional training opportunities. We welcome suggestions from the membership about your professional development needs.